'68 og Perla Fáfnisdóttir

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Members of the Women's Alliance assist the Women's History Archives

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On the 28th of February 2020 the Women's History Archives hosted an event in collaboration with Sæunn Ólafsdóttir, masters student in Museum Studies at the University of Iceland.

Sæunn carried through the substantial task of cataloguing the photographs that were donated along with the archives of the Women's Alliance to the Women's History Archives in 1999. The archive contains more than a thousand photographs taken at various opportunities, both public and private, and their cataloguing is the first step in Sæunn's master's thesis.

Sæunn contacted former members of the Women's Alliance and asked them to visit the Women's History Archives to give information about the photographs and identify people, places and occasions. She received a warm response and a group of women volunteered their work on this afternoon. The information they provided gives the photography collection an added value and makes it accessible for both scholars and members of the public.

The Women's History Archives is grateful to both Sæunn and those who participated. 

Fyrst birt 11.03.2020

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