'68 og Perla Fáfnisdóttir

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Opening of website Huldukonur

Lýsandi samantekt


Innihald og uppbygging

Um aðgengi og not

Tengt efni

Um lýsinguna


Huldukonur, a website dedicated to queer women's history in Iceland before 1960, was formally opened on the 10th of January 2020. 

The website is the result of extensive research and documentation of sources that began in 2017. It is meant to be an information site for members of the public, a first stop for researchers and students and a content site for history teachers. 

Ásta Kristín Benediktsdóttir, Hafdís Erla Hafsteinsdóttir and Íris Ellenberger are behind the project, and the Women's History Archives at the National and University Library was happy to lend a helping hand. 

Fyrst birt 04.11.2020

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