Ásrún Matthíasdóttir (1956)
After they turn on the screen. Use of information and communication technology in an upper secondary school in Iceland.
19/1 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Menntavísindi
Birna María Svanbjörnsdóttir (1964)
Leadership and teamwork in a new school: Developing a professional learning community.
26/3 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Menntavísindi
Erla Björnsdóttir (1982)
Insomnia, depression and quality of life among patients with obstructive sleep apnea.
22/1 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Læknisfræði
Erla Sturludóttir (1983)
Statistical analysis of trends in data from ecological monitoring.
8/5 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Tölfræði
Guðbjörg Rannveig Jóhannesdóttir (1980)
Icelandic landscapes: Beauty and the aesthetic in environmental decison-making.
20/1 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Sagnfræði
Hrund Þórarinsdóttir (1967)
Father´s pedagogical vision: A phenomenological study.
19/5 2015 Háskóli Íslands - Menntavísindi
Petra Baumruk (1986)
The still evolving Principle of Universal Jurisdiction.
Charles University í Prag - Lögfræði