Anna Lísa Rúnarsdóttir (1971)
Modernity and tradition: houses and material culture in the Kingdom of Tonga.
12/2 University College London, London - Mannfræði
Ásta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir (1969)
Siding with Euthyphro: response-dependence, essentiality, and the individuation of ordinary objects.
14/6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. - Heimspeki
Brynja Bragadóttir (1972)
Bullying in hospital settings: The nature of bullying, prevalence rates and occupational health outcomes.
/ 2004 University of Kent at Canterbury - Sálfræði
Freydís Jóna Freysteinsdóttir (1966)
Risk factors for repeated child maltreatment.
20/2 University of Iowa, Iowa - Félagsráðgjöf
Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir (1956)
Social group differences in occupational conceptualisations: Its relationship to career decision making and the relevance of career education.
9/2 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield- Uppeldis- og menntunarfræði
Guðrún Gauksdóttir (1963)
Property rights and the European Convention on human rights.
10/9 Lunds universitet, Lund - Lögfræði
Guðrún Anna Jónsdóttir (1974)
The role of myosin I in actin assembly and endocytosis in budding yeast
19/11 Harvard University, Boston - Líffræði
Guðrún Nína Petersen (1973)
The impact of Greenland’s orography on the atmospheric flow in the Northern Hemisphere.
27/2 Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Veðurfræði
Guðrún Valdimarsdóttir (1972)
TGFß signal transduction in endothelial cells.
25/5 Uppsala universitet - Læknisfræði
Hekla Sigmundsdóttir (1969-2013)
Adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
8/10 Háskóli Íslands - Líffræði (ónæmisfræði)
Helga Kristín Benediktsson (Hallgrímsdóttir) (1969)
Cultural opportunities and social movement symbolic strategies: the Knights of Labour and the American Federation of Labour as meaning-makers, 1880-1900.
/ 2004 University of Western Ontario, London - Þjóðfélagsfræði
Helga Bragadóttir (1960)
Developing a computer-mediated support group intervention for parents whose children have been diagnosed with cancer.
14/5 University of Iowa, Iowa - Hjúkrunarfræði
Helga Kristjánsdóttir (1969)
Determinants of exports and foreign direct investment in a small open economy.
16/6 Háskóli Íslands - Hagfræði
Kamilla Rún Jóhannsdóttir (1970)
Situation awareness and working memory: an integration of an applied concept with a fundamental cognitive process.
12/7 Carleton University, Ottawa - Sálfræði
Kristín Martha Hákonardóttir (1973)
The interaction between snow avalanches and dams.
/ University of Bristol, Bristol - Verkfræði
Kristín Guðrún Jónsdóttir (1958)
Voces de la subalternidad periférica. Jesús Malverde y otros santos profanos de México.
19/4 Arizona State University - Spænska
Ragnhildur Helgadóttir (1972)
Not so in North-America. The influence of American theories on judicial review in Nordic constitutional law.
29/3 University of Virginia, Charlottesville - Lögfræði
Sigríður Gunnarsdóttir (1969)
Attitudinal barriers to cancer pain management in Iceland.
20/9 University of Wisconsin- Madison - Hjúkrunarfræði
Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir (1973)
Characterisation of the denaturedstate emsemble of Acyl-coenzyme A binding protein using NMR expreriments.
/ Københavns Universitet, København - Líffræði
Sigríður Matthíasdóttir (1965)
Hinn sanni Íslendingur - þjóðerni, kyngervi og vald á íslandi 1900-1930.
4/6 Háskóli Íslands - Sagnfræði
Sólveig Halldórsdóttir /1971)
Models of nutrient mediated effects on energy homeostasis in mice and humans.
7/12 Columbia University, New York - Lífvísindi
Steina Aradóttir (1954)
Phosphatidylethanol-formation and degradation in blood and organs.
8/10 Lunds universitet, Lund - Líffræði
Steinunn Hrafnsdóttir (1964)
The mosaic of gender: The working environment of Icelandic social service managers.
6/1 University of Kent at Canterbury - Félagsráðgjöf
Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir (1965)
The awakening of christianity in Iceland. Discovery of a timber church and graveyard at Þórarinsstaðir in Seyðisfjörður.
28/9 Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Fornleifafræði
Svanbjörg Helga Haraldsdóttir (1951)
Snow, snowdrift and avalanche hazard in a windy climate.
28/6 Háskóli Íslands - Jarðeðlisfræði
Vigdís Wang Chao Bóasson (1959)
Two essays on the linkages of market value of the firm, knowledge flows, patent and patent citations, geographic competitive advantage and innovative resources.
/ State University of New York, Buffalo - Hagfræði