Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir (1965)
Úlfhams saga.
21/6 Háskóli Íslands - Bókmenntasaga
Anna Heiða Pálsdóttir (1956)
History, landscape and national identity: a comparative study of contemporary English and Icelandic literature for children.
/ University College Worchester, Conventry - Bókmenntafræði
Áshildur Logadóttir (1972)
Density functional studies of ammonia synthesis on transition metal surfaces.
/ Danmarks tekniske universitet, Lyngby - Efnafræði
Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir (1972)
Influence of nutrition on prevention of diabetes mellitus: cow´s milk and type 1 diabetes, weight gain in pregnancy, size at birth and type 2 diabetes.
15/6 Háskóli Íslands - Næringarfræði
Erla Björk Örnólfsdóttir (1966)
The ecological role of small phytoplankton in phytoplankton production and community composition in Galveston Bay, Texas.
/ Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas - Líffræði
Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir (1960)
Context effects in social surveys: A study of question order effects.
/5 London School of Economics and Political Science, London - Sálfræði
Guðbjörg H(rönn) Óskarsdóttir (1975)
High throughput analysis of supported catalysts using FTIR imaging.
12/12 Purdue University, West Lafayette - Efnaverkfræði
Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir (1972)
Flow dynamics of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland.
28/11 Eidgenössische Technische Hocshule, Zürich - Jarðeðlisfræði
Guðrún Haraldsdóttir (1966)
Cooperation and conflicting interests: an ethnography of fishing and fish trading on the shores of Lake Malawi.
6/5 The University of Iowa, Iowa City - Mannfræði
Guðrún Arnbjörg Sævarsdóttir (1971)
High current Ac-arcs in silicon and ferrosilicon furnaces.
16/5 Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskaplige Universitet, Trondheim - Verkfræði
Gyða Jóhannsdóttir (1944)
The conceptions on the upgrading of the education of Icelandic elementary school teachers to university level in 1971.
/ 2002 Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet, Kbh. - Menntunarfræði
Halldóra Skarphéðinsdóttir (1968)
Bioaccumulation and biological effects of organic contaminants in Icelandic coastal waters.
17/12 Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Líffræði
Helga Hannesdóttir 1942)
Studies on child and adolescent mental health in Iceland.
22/2 Turun Yliopisto (Turku University) - Læknisfræði
Helga Ágústa Sigurjónsdóttir (1964)
Inhibition of 11 ß-HSD. Hemodynamic and hormonal response induced by liquorice.
7/7 Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Læknisfræði
Herborg Hauksdóttir (1972)
Retinoic acid receptors: the effects of differences in DNA recognition and corepressor binding on transcriptional regulation.
/3 University of California, Davis - Örverufræði
Ingiríður Skírnisdóttir (1951)
Prognostic factors in early stages (FIGO-I-II) of epithelial ovarian carcinoma.
15/3 Uppsala universitet, Uppsala - Læknisfræði
Jórunn Elídóttir (1959)
How can we empower children to improve the quality of their learning experiences through interaction with a CD-ROM?
/5 University College Worchester - Sérkennslufræði
Kristín Friðgeirsdóttir (1971)
Stjórnun eftirspurnar á mörkuðum þar sem þjónustuhraði er mikilvægur.
28/5 2002 Stanford University, Palo Alto - Verkfræði
Kristín Unnsteinsdóttir (1947)
Fairy tales in tradition and in the classroom. Traditional and self-generated fairy tales as catalysts in children´s educational and emotional development.
7/6 University of East Anglia, Norwich - Kennslufræði
Margrét Benedikz (1959)
Storming the Sadeian citadel: disturbing gender in Angela Carter's fiction of transition.
/ Stockholms universitet - Enskar bókmenntir
María Heimisdóttir (1964)
Comorbidity indicators: validation and application.
5/4 University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Faraldsfræði
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir (1970)
Equality and non-discrimination in the European Convention on Human Rights: towards a substantive approach.
23/5 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh - Lögfræði
Ólöf Garðarsdóttir (1959)
Saving the child. Regional, cultural and social aspects of the infant mortality decline in Iceland 1770-1920.
10/6 Umeå universitet, Umeå - Sagnfræði
Ragnhildur Bjarnadóttir (1945)
Adolescents' perceptions of own competence - in the social context of leisure activities.
6/9 Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet, København-Sálfræði
Rakel Heiðmarsdóttir (1972)
Retirement fantasies and other coping strategies of employees experiencing work-life conflicts.
26/4 2002 University of Texas, Austin - Ráðgjafarsálarfræði
Rannveig Ólafsdóttir (1963)
Land degradation and climate in Iceland. A spatial and temporal assessment.
20/1 Lunds universitet, Lund - Landafræði
Rebekka Valsdóttir (1973)
The role of small G proteins in cell organization.
23/11 Háskóli Íslands - Lífefnafræði
Sigríður Björnsdóttir (1964)
Bone spavin in Icelandic horses. Aspects of predisposition, pathogenesis and prognosis.
7/7 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala - Dýralækningar
Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir (1958)
Diversity of thermostable DNA enzymes from Icelandic hot springs.
23/5 Lunds universitet, Lund - Líftækni
Sjöfn Gunnarsdóttir (1974)
Glutathione-dependent prodrugs of 6-mercaptopurine and 6-thioguanine: characterization and evaluation as potential chemotherapeutic agents.
2/12 University of Wisconsin, Madison - Efnafræði
Sólveig G. Hannesdóttir (1973)
Immunosterilisation affecting the functional level of reproductive hormones.
31/5 2002 University College London, London - Ónæmisfræði
Sunna Guðlaugsdóttir (1962)
Barrett´s esophagus - high cancer risk groups, cardiovascular comorbidity and interaction with helicobacter pylori.
15/5 Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - Læknisfræði
Þóra Jóhanna Jónasdóttir (1965)
A hereditary renal cancer syndrome in dogs; genetic approach and diagnostic tools.
14/5 Norges veterinærhøgskole, Oslo - Dýralækningar