Anna Lilja Gunnarsdóttir (1954)
Performance management in health care in Iceland.
3/8 University of Southern California, Los Angeles - Stjórnunarfræði
Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir (1966)
Oceans of trouble: co-operation and conflict over fishing resources in the North Atlantic and the Barents Sea.
21/8 Washington University, St. Louis - Stjórnmálafræði
Guðbjörg Hildur Kolbeins (1967)
Children see, children do: the effects of the home environment on Icelandic adolescents’ viewing of violent and non-violent telvision programs and the effects of violence viewing on their antisocial behavior.
27/9 University of Wisconsin, Madison - Fjölmiðlafræði
Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir 1968)
Borderlines: autobiography and fiction in postmodern life writing.
20/1 University of London, London – Bókmenntir
Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir (1952)
Responsive professional practice: teachers analyze the theoretical and ethical dimensions of their work in diverse classrooms.
28/7 University of Oregon, Eugene - Uppeldis- og kennslufræði
Helga Ágústsdóttir (1966)
Exposure to hormone replacement therapy, active and passive smoking and periodontal disease.
10/7 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - Tannlækningar
Herdís Sveinsdóttir (1956)
Premenstrual syndrome: a myth or a reality in women´s lives?
/5 Umeå universitet, Umeå - Hjúkrunarfræði
Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir (1972)
Littoral wetlands and lake inflow dynamics.
/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Umhverfisverkfræði
Jóhanna Einarsdóttir (1952)
Traditions and trends: two Icelandic preschool teacher´s practices, goals and beliefs about early childhood education.
6/7 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Menntunarfræði
Jónína Einarsdóttir (1954)
"Tired of weeping": child death and mourning among papel mothers in Guinea-Bissau.
/ Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Mannfræði
Kristín Aðalsteinsdóttir (1946)
Small schools, ineraction and empathy: a study of teachers behavior and practices, with emphasis on effects on children with special needs.
25/1 University of Bristol, Bristol - Kennslufræði
Margrét Birna Andrésdóttir (1957)
Recurrence of glomerulonephritis after renal transplantation – a single centre study.
5/6 Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen - Læknisfræði
María Bjarnadóttir (1967)
L68Q cystatin C expression, cellular transport and turnover of the cystatin C variant forming amyloid in patients with hereditary cystatin amyloid angiopaty (HCCAA).
23/9 2000 Lunds universitet, Lund - Líffræði
María Guðmundsdóttir (1956)
When the world of the family is shattered: Narratives of loss and healing practices after the sudden death of a child.
6/10 2000 University of California, San Francisco - Hjúkrunarfræði
Ólína Þorvarðardóttir (1958)
Brennuöldin: galdrar og galdratrú í málskjölum og munnmælum.
28/4 Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík - Þjóðfræði
Ragnheiður Inga Þórarinsdóttir (1968)
Corrosion of copper alloys in geothermal district heating containing sulphide.
30/8 Danmarks tekniske universitet, Lyngby - Efnaverkfræði
Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir (1966)
Effects of different forest types on total ecosystem carbon sequestration in Hallormsstaður forest.
12/6 Yale University - Líffræði
Sigrún Hrafnsdóttir (1964)
Transbilayer movement of phospholipids in the cytoplasmic membrance of bacillus.
8/3 University of Wisconsin, Madison - Lífefnafræði
Sigrún Karlsdóttir (1967)
Model studies of methane in the atmosphere.
24/3 2000 Universitetet i Oslo - Veðurfræði
Sigríður Magnúsdóttir (1946)
On grammatical knowledge in agrammatism evidence from Iceland.
/ Boston University, Boston - Talmeinafræði
Stefanía Ægisdóttir (1963)
Icelanders' and Americans' expectations about counseling: Do expectations vary by nationality, sex, and Holland's typology?
19/7 Ball State University, Muncie- Sálfræði
Steinunn Thorlacius (1966)
The involvement of BRCA2 in breast cancer in Iceland.
16/12 Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík - Líffræði
Svafa Grönfeldt (1965)
The nature, impact and development of customer-oriented behavior: a case study in an Icelandic service context.
21/6 London School of Economics and Political Science, London - Vinnumarkaðsfræði
Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir (1964)
Universal history in fourteenth-century Iceland: studies in AM 764 4to.
/ University of London, London - Málvísindi
Urður Njarðvík (1970)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and the avoidance of responsibility: an evaluation of parents' attributions and their relation to treatment acceptability.
3/5 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge - Sálfræði