Anna María Ágústsdóttir (1964)
Abrupt climate changes and the effects of North Atlantic deepwater formation: results from the genesis global climate model and comparison with data from the younger dryas event and the event at 8200 years BP and the present.
/8 Pennsylvania State University - Jarðfræði
Anna Helga Hannesdóttir (1952)
Lexikografihistorisk spegel: den enspråkiga svenska lexikografins utveckling ur den tvåspråkiga.
/ Göteborg universitet, Göteborg - Málvísindi
Auður Hauksdóttir (1950)
Lærerens strategier – elevernes dansk. Dansk som fremmedsprog i den islandske grundskole.
18/12 Københavns Universitet, København - Málvísindi
Elín Þöll Þórðardóttir (1964)
Argument structure in the spontaneous speech of school-age children with specific language impairment.
19/8 University of Wisconsin, Madison - Talmeinafræði
Guðrún Gísladóttir (1956)
Environmental characterization and change in South-Western Iceland.
/ Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Landafræði
Herdís Dröfn Baldvinsdóttir (1954)
Networks of financial power in Iceland: the labour movement paradox.
10/12 Lancaster University, Lancaster - Atvinnulífsfræði
Hildigunnur Ólafsdóttir (1944)
Alchoholics Anonymous in Iceland: from marginality to mainstream culture.
21/11 Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Afbrotafræði
Lilja Mósesdóttir (1961)
The political economy of gender relations. The case of Sweden, Germany and the United States.
18/12 University of Manchester, Manchester - Hagfræði
Linda Björk Hassing (1967)
Episodic memory functioning in nenagenarians. Effects of demographic factos, vitamin status, depression, and dementia.
6/11 Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Sálfræði
Margrét [Rósa] Grímsdóttir (1960)
Corrosion and biological aspects of orthodontic appliances.
/ Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Tannlæknisfræði
Margrét Þorsteinsdóttir (1962)
Separation of peptides by capillary electrophoresis: application of chemometrics for evaluation of separation performance in micellar electrokinetic chromatography.
20/5 Uppsala universitet, Uppsala - Lyfjafræði
Oddfríður Halla Þorsteinsdóttir (1957)
Islands reaching out? Outside research collaboration in small science systems.
22/5 Science and Technology Policy Research, Brighton - Vísindafræði
Sigríður Valgeirsdóttir (1964)
Platelet-derived growth factor-induced signal transduction.
15/5 Uppsala universitet, Uppsala - Líffræði
Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir (1958)
Violence, power and justice: a feminist contribution to christian sexual ethics.
16/5 Uppsala universitet, Uppsala - Guðfræði
Stella Marta Jónsdóttir (1966)
IT based product models for development of seefood products.
27/11 Danmarks tekniske universitet, Lyngby – Verkfræði