Íslenskir kvendoktorar 1996

1996 (18)

Amalía Björnsdóttir (1966)
Gender differences in mathematics: genetic and environmental influences with special emphasis on high and low ability.
/ University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma - Sálfræði

Björg Bjarnadóttir (1952)
Phases of knowledge in lexical acquisition: a developmental study into four to twelve years olds decipherment of unfamiliar words from linguistic contexts during continuous assessment.
27/6 University of Stirling, Stirling - Sálfræði

Elín Sigvaldadóttir (1950)
Systematic of spionidae and prionospio (polychaeta).
/ Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Dýrafræði

Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir (1959)
Recurrent pains: a public health concern in school-age children: an investigation of headache, stomach pain, and back pain.
10/6 Nordiska hälsovårdshögskolan, Göteborg - Hjúkrunarfræði

Hafrún Guðmundsdóttir (1963)
Coping strategies and causal attributions following myocardial infarction: a longitudinal study.
/7 University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews – Sálfræði

Hanna Steinunn Þorleifsdóttir (1954)
La traduction norroise du Chevalier au Lion (Yvain) de Chrétien de Troys et ses copies islandaises.
27/1 1996 Université de Paris—Sorbonne (Paris IV) - Bókmenntasaga

Helga Gunnarsdóttir (1957)
Holocene vegetation history in the northern parts of Gudbrandsdalur Valley South central Norway.
16/8 Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Jarðfræði

Hrafnhildur Soffía Guðbjörnsdóttir (1962)
Studies on the relationships between insulin resistance, sympathetic nerve activity and hypertension
/ 1996 Göteborgs universitet - Læknisfræði

Ingibjörg H. Jónsdóttir (1966)
Physical exercise endogenous opioids and natural immunity: an experimental study on physiological mechanisms and immune function in rats.
/ Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Lífeðlisfræði

Jóna Freysdóttir (1959)
Analysis of the two-way interaction between thymocytes and epithelilal cells in the human thymus.
26/6 University of London, London - Ónæmisfræði

Marga Thome (1942)
Distress in mothers with difficult infants in the community. An invention study.
2/7 Open University, Milton Keynes - Hjúkrunarfræði

Ragnheiður Bragadóttir (1959)
The interaction between the neuroretina and the retinal pigment epithelium: an electrophysiological study of the effects of possible messenger substances and their analogues.
8/3 Linköping universitet - Læknisfræði

Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (1954)
Caring and uncaring encounters in nursing and health care: developing a theory.
10/5 Linköpings universitet, Linköping - Hjúkrunarfræði

Soffía Arnþórsdóttir (1960)
The importance of ecological stress factors for plant growth in a tropical forest and two grassland communities.
14/2 University of Texas, Austin - Vistfræði

Sólveig Jakobsdóttir (1958)
Elementary school computer culture: gender and age differences in student reactions to computer use.
6/6 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Uppeldis- og kennslufræði

Sveinbjörg Pálmarsdóttir (1962)
Procedures for sample clean up and construction in capillary zone electrophoresis for determination of drugs in biosamples.
3/9 Lunds universitet, Lund - Eðlisefnafræði

Valgerður Sigurðardóttir (1952)
Quality of life of patients with generalised malignant melanoma on chemotherapy.
9/2 Karolinska Hospital og Sahlgrenska Hospital, Stockholm - Læknisfræði

Þóra Steingrímsdóttir (1958)
Energy economy of the human uterus: in vitro and in vivo investigations of uterine smooth muscle in different functional states.
20/9 Uppsala universitet, Uppsala - Læknisfræði