Íslenskir kvendoktorar 1993

1993 (11)

Anna Dóra Guðmundsdóttir (1962)
Assymetric induction in solid state photochemistry.
15/4 University of British Columbia, Vancouver - Efnafræði

Guðrún Björk Guðsteinsdóttir (1954)
Novels of ideas.
13/9 University of Alberta, Edmonton - Enskar bókmenntir

Guðrún Á. Jónsdóttir (1954)
Dynamics of seashore populations of agrostis stolonifera, festuca rubra and poa irrigata. /11 Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Plöntuvistfræði

Guðrún G. Þórarinsdóttir (1952)
Dyrkning av chlamys islandica (O.F. Müller) i Breidafjørdur, Island.
20/12 Aarhus universitet, Aarhus - Sjávarlíffræði

Inga Reynisdóttir (1962)
The role of wild type and mutant SV40T. antigens and the tumor suppressor protein pRB in vitro DNA replication.
10/3 Columbia University, New York - Líffræði

Jóhanna Vigdís Gísladóttir (1962)
Orthogonal synthesis of 2-D digital filters.
/ Stanford University - Rafmagnsverkfræði

Ragnheiður I. Hlynsdóttir (1952)
Pain coping strategies used by children undergoing a venipucture procedure
18/1 Queen's University, Kingston - Sálfræði

Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (1958)
Vis creativa. Kunst und Wahrheit in der Philosophie Nietzsches.
13/5 Humboldt Universität, Berlin - Heimspeki

Sigrún Júlíusdóttir (1944)
Den kapabla familjen i det isländska samhälle: en studie om lojalitet, äktenskapsdynamik och psykosocial anpassning.
4/6 Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Félagsráðgjöf

Sigrún Svavarsdóttir (1958)
Thinking in moral terms.
10/9 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Heimspeki

Þóra Árnadóttir (1963)
Earthquake dislocation models derived from inversion of geodetic data.
6/8 Stanford University, Stanford - Jarðeðlisfræði