Anna G[uðrún] Jónasdóttir (1942)
Love power and political interests.
1/6 Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - Stjórnmálafræði
Ása L[ovísa] Aradóttir (1959)
Population biology and stand development of birch (Betula Pubescens EHRH) on disturbed sites in Iceland.
3/12 Texas A&M University, College Station - Vistfræði
Elín Gunnhildur Guðmundsdóttir (1959)
Untersuchungen zur Synthese von 1-Azaspiro[5.5]undecan-Verbindungen als Partialstruktur der Histrionicotoxin-Alkalocide.
23/7 Technischen Universität, Berlin - Lífefnafræði
Elín Soffía Ólafsdóttir (1957)
Natural cyclopentanoid cyanohydrin glycosides.
18/1 Danmarks farmaceutiske højskole, København - Lyfjafræði
Gígja Gísladóttir (1937)
Kierkegaard contra Hegel: either/or, a caricatured facsimile of the phenomenology of mind.
25/4 University of Texas at Austin - Heimspeki
Guðfinna S. Bjarnadóttir (1957)
Programming training materials for work redesign problem solving.
10/5 West Virginia University, Morgantown - Sálfræði
Guðrún Kristinsdóttir (1945)
Child welfare and professionalization.
12/4 Umeå universitet, Umeå - Félagsráðgjöf
Guðrún Marteinsdóttir (1955)
Early life history verification of the Mummichog (Fundulus heterolitus): egg size variation and the significance in reproduction and survival of eggs and larvae.
/5 State University of New Jersey, New Bruinswick - Vistfræði
Guðrún Pétursdóttir 1950)
The development of specific axonal projections in the brainstem of the chicken embryo.
21/6 Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Taugalífeðlisfræði
Helga Þórðardóttir (1960)
Priming effects between corresponding attributes: toward a model of the congruity effect.
/4 New School for Social Research, New York - Sálfræði
Ingibjörg Harðardóttir (1961)
The effects of dietaty n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on tumor necrosis factor production by murine resident and elicited peritoneal macrophages.
4/10 Cornell University, Ithaca - Næringarfræði
Ingileif Jónsdóttir (1952)
Monoclonal antibodies to human growth hormone: characterization, quantitation and isolation in hGH variants.
/ Stockholms universitet, Stockholm - Erfðafræði
Ingileif Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir (1955)
Genetic aspects of temperature related productivity in the potato.
8/5 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala - Búvísindi
Keneva Kunz (1953)
Retellers of tales: an evaluation of English translations of Laxdæla Saga.
11/11 Københavns Universitet, København - Málvísindi
Kristín S. Vogfjörð (1956)
A study of noress-array seismograms from local and regional events.
/5 Pennsylvania State University - Jarðeðlisfræði
Margrét Gunnarsdóttir (1953)
Theorizing character. The Icelandic family saga.
22/11 University of Georgia, Athens - Fornbókmenntir
Sigríður S[óley] Kristjánsdóttir (1961)
Thermodynamics and mechanism of proton transfer from transition metal hydrides.
/ Colorado State University - Efnafræði
Sunna Sigurðardóttir (1949)Studies of the class II genes of the major histocompatibility complex in cattle.
6/6 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala - Líffræði
Vala Friðriksdóttir (1954)Borrelia Burgdorferi infection in sheep: serlogical and epidemiological studies.
15/12 Norges veterinærhøgskole, Oslo - Ónæmisfræði
Valgerður Steinþórsdóttir (1961)
Adenovirus 40 host range in tissue culture: a study of the E1B region.
23/5 University of Glasgow, Glasgow - Veirufræði
Þuríður J[óhanna] Jónsdóttir (1941)
Does the positive/negative symptomatological distinction account for the severe neuropsychological impairment in schizophrenia?
22/2 Dalhousie University, Halifax - Sálfræði