Íslenskir kvendoktorar 1988

1988 (12)

Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir (1957)
The role of social models in the development of food preferences of lambs.
/10 Utah State University, Logan - Búvísindi

Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir (1945)
Genetic analysis of BtuB: a vitamin B12 binding and transport protein in the escherichia coli outer membrane.
29/6 University of Virginia, Charlotteville - Lífefnafræði

Ásdís [Sveinsdóttir] Pierce (1932)
Differences in learning styles between learning disabled and non-learning disabled children in a selected sample.
/7 University of the Philippines, Dilman, Quezon - Sálfræði

Áslaug Geirsdóttir (1955)
Sedimentologic analysis of diamictites and implication for late cenozoic glaciation in Western Iceland.
8/3 University of Colorado at Boulder - Jarðfræði

[Bjarney] Brynja Svane (1947)
Si les riches savaient! Le Monde d’Eugéne Sue III. Textes: Culture & Société 2/88. Copenhague er Roskilde, Akademisk forlat et Institut de langue er de littérature, 1988.
9/12 Københavns Universitet, København - Bókmenntafræði

Ebba Þóra Hvannberg (1957)
An object-based parallel programming assistant.
21/6 Rensselaer Polytechnic Intistute, Troy - Tölvunarfræði

Guðrún Nordal (1960)
Ethics and action in thirteenth century Iceland. An examination of motivation and social obligation in Iceland c. 1183-1284, as represented in Sturlunga Saga.
11/6 University of Oxford, Oxford - Bókmenntasaga

Gunnlaug Helga Einarsdóttir (1960)
Electron transfer properties of saliclyate hydroxylase from pseudomonas cepacia and anthranilate hydroxylase from trichosporon cutaneum.
14/11 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Efnafræði

Heiðdís B[jörk] Valdimarsdóttir (1955)
The effects of relaxation training and experimental stressors on the immune system.
/12 State University of New York at Stony Brook - Sálfræði

Katrín Valgeirsdóttir (1954)
Characterization of two opa genes in drosophilia melanogaster. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.
29/4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge - Líffræði

Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir (1949)
Children´s communicative actions in conflict situations with teachers and classmates: A Developmental Study.
10/6 Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. - Uppeldis- og kennslufræði

Sigurbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir (1955)
Epstein-Barr virus carrying B-cell lines of normal and malignant origin. Characteristics that influence their interaction with the immune system. Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet, 1988.
23/9 Karolinska institutet, Stockholm -Líffræði