Íslenskir kvendoktorar 1926-1986

1926-1986 (51)


Björg Karitas Þorláksdóttir (1874-1934)
Le fondement physiologique des instincts des systèmes nutritif, neuromusculaire et génital. París. Les presses universitaires, 1926.
17/6 Université de Paris Sorbonne - Sálfræði


Fríða Sigurðsson (1910-1993)
Studien zu Der Saelden Hort. Ein Beitrag zur gesellschaftlichen Bestimmetheit mittelalterlicher Dichtung. Berlin, Verlag Rudolph Pfau, 1938.
26/10 Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitet, Berlin - Bókmenntafræði


Snót [Jónsdóttir] Leifs (1923)
Stilistische und rhythmische Untersuchungen zu Nietzsches Zarathustra. Ópr.
22/10 Universität Hamburg, Hamburg - Bókmenntasaga


Ida Pétursdóttir Björnsson (1927)
Effects of light on stemphylium, Trichoderma, Botrytis, and certain other fungi. Ópr.
/8 University of Maryland, College Park - Grasafræði


Selma Jónsdóttir (1917-1987)
Byzönsk dómsdagsmynd í Flatatungu. Reykjavík, Almenna bókafélagið, 1959. Ensk þýðing: An 11th Century Byzantine Last Judgement in Iceland, Rv. 1959.
16/1 Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík - Listir


Denna [Steingerður] Ellingston (1928-1979)
The Artreidae. A study of the reinterpretations of the myths by Racine, Goethe, Hofmannsthal, and Giraudoux. Fjölr.
6/1 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Bókmenntasaga

Ólafía Einarsdóttir (1924)
Studier i kronologisk metode i tidlig islandsk historieskrivning. Stockholm [1964]. (Bibliotheca historica Lundensis, 13).
/6 Lunds universitet, Lund - Sagnfræði


Sigríður Valfells (1938-1998)
Umlaut-A-alternations in modern Icelandic. Ópr.
/6 Harvard University, Cambridge - Málvísindi


Guðrún P[álína] Helgadóttir (1922)
Hrafns saga Sveinbjarnarsonar. A critical edition. Ópr.
22/2 University of Oxford - Bókmenntasaga


Álfrún Gunnlaugsdóttir (1938)
Tristán en el norte. Reykjavík. Stofnun Árna Magnússonar, 1978. (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi, rit 17.)
/12 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - Bókmenntasaga

Hrefna Kristmannsdóttir (1945)
Anorthositt og assosierte bergarter på Hrappsey, Vest Ísland. Oslo, Universitetet i Oslo, 1970. Fjölr.
/ Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo - Jarðfræði


Þuríður J[óhanna] Kristjánsdóttir (1927)
The relationship of preschool experience to achievement and selected aspects of adjustment in grade one. Urbana, Ill. 1971. Fjölr.
15/10 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Uppeldis- og kennslufræði


Þóra Friðþjófsdóttir Fischer (1941)
Der nationalsozialistische artz. ópr.
24/5 1973 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel - Læknisfræði


Ragnheiður [Helga] Briem (1938-2000)
Development of an instrument to measure attitudes toward the study of foreign languages. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1974.
18/8 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Uppeldis- og kennslufræði

Sigríður Þ. Valgeirsdóttir (1919)
Adaptive test construction using the Rasch model of measurement. Ópr.
/ State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo - Sálfræði


Kristín Halla Jónsdóttir (1943)
Holoidal compactifications of uniquely divisible semigroups. Ópr.
12/8 University of Houston, Texas - Stærðfræði

Gústa I[ngibjörg] Sigurðardóttir (1934)
Le vocabulaire chrétien en vieaux norrois. Ópr.
13/11 Université de Paris á la Sorbonne - Málvísindi


Jórunn Erla Eyfjörð (1946)
DNA repair and UV mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. Ópr.
5/2 University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton - Erfðafræði

Alda Bryndís Möller (1948)
Chemical modification of proteins in ultra-heat-treated milk during storage. Ópr.
16/6 University of Reading - Matvælaefnafræði

Þórdís Kristmundsdóttir (1948)
Physico-chemical studies on surfactant solutions. Ópr.
19/11 The Victoria University, Manchester - Lyfjafræði


[Ragnheiður] Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir (1951)
Global properties of differential operators of constant strength. Lund. Lund Institute of Technology, 1977. Fjölr.
25/5 Lunds universitet, Lund - Stærðfræði


María Lára Eby (1951)
Contribution a l'étude d'une parafunction de l'appareil manducateur: le bruxisme. Ópr.
25/1 l'Université de Strasbourg - Tannlæknisfræði


Laufey Steingrímsdóttir (1947)
A role for adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase in regulation of body fat in adult female rats. Ópr.
16/5 Columbia University, New York - Næringarfræði

Helga M. Ögmundsdóttir (1948)
Non-specific recognition by macrophages and mechanisms of macrophage activation. Ópr.
/10 University of Edinburg, Edinburgh - Læknisfræði


Fanney Kristmundsdóttir (1953)
A study of Perthes disease and infantile idiopathic scoliosis with particular reference to skeletal maturation. Ópr.
/10 Nottingham University, Nottingham - Líffræði

Guðrún Kvaran (1943)
Untersuchungen zu den Gewussernamen in Jotland und Schleswig-Holstein. Göttingen 1981.
16/7 Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen - Málvísindi

Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir (1950)
Evolutionary aspects of sexual dimorphisms in size: studies on dung flies and three groups of birds. Ópr.
22/12 University of Liverpool, Liverpool - Dýrafræði


Sólveig Eggerz-Brownfeld (1943)
Anti-feminist satire in German and English literature of the late Middle Ages. Ópr.
/5 The Catholic University of America, Washington - Bókmenntasaga

Valgerður Andrésdóttir (1949)
Studies on chromosome replication and plasmid replication in Escherichia Coli. Ópr.
12/7 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh - Líffræði


Áslaug Helgadóttir (1953)
The genecology of Icelandic and British populations of Poa pratensis L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth. Ópr.
27/1 University of Reading, Reading - Grasafræði

Kristjana Þorsteinsdóttir (1954)
Aber Faserzahlen des N. oculomotorius, N. trochlearis, N. abducens, N. ophthalmicus, N. maxillaris und N. mandibularis sowie die Faszikelandzahl N. maxillaris. Warzburg, höf., 1982.
9/2 Julius-Maximilian-Universität, Würzburg - Læknisfræði

Þorgerður Árnadóttir (1952)
Studies on humoral immunity in multiple sclerosis. Turku, höf., 1982.
18/6 Åbo Akademi, Turku - Líffræði

[Ólöf] Þórhildur Ólafsdóttir (1953)
L'image posthume de pégue (1914-1925). Ópr.
8/9 Université d'Orléans, Orléans - Bókmenntasaga

Þórkatla Óskarsdóttir (1939)
Ideas of nationality in Icelandic poetry, 1830-1874. Ópr.
/9 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh - Bókmenntafræði


Eva Benediktsdóttir (1950)
Airborne non-sporeforming anaerobic bacteria: a study of their dispersal and their occurrence in clean surgical wounds. Uppsala, University of Uppsala, 1983.
19/5 Kungliga universitetet i Uppsala, Uppsala - Líffræði

Gyða [Sigurlaug] Haraldsdóttir (1953)
Early stimulation and reflexes in Down's syndrome infants. Manchester, Victoria University of Manchester, 1983.
Victoria University of Manchester, Manchester - Sálfræði

Katrín [Guðrún] Friðjónsdóttir (1945-1990)
Vetenskap och politik: en kunskapssociologisk studie. Stockholm, Akademilitteratur, 1983.
19/5 Lunds universitet, Lund - Þjóðfélagsfræði

Kristín Ingólfsdóttir (1954)
Chemical and antimicrobial investigations of Icelandic lichens and mosses. Ópr.
9/2 University of London, London - Lyfjafræði


Árný Erla Sveinbjörnsdóttir (1953)
Hydrothermal metamorphism and rockwater interaction in the Reykjanes and Krafla geothermal fields, Iceland. Ópr.
30/1 University of East Anglia, Norwich - Jarðefnafræði

Elínborg [Jóhannesdóttir] Ostermann (1954)
Untersuchung der Ragulationsregion fur die bakterielle Konjugation im Resistenzplasmid R1. Wien, August 1984.
28/11 Universität Wien - Lífefnafræði

Gillian R[ose] Foulger (1952)
Seismological studies at the Hengill geothermal area, SW Iceland. Ópr.
/11 Durham University, Durham - Jarðeðlisfræði

Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir (1954)
Experimental and theoretical investigation of quarz corundum solubilities and their application to phase equilibra and mass transfer in the geothermal system, Svartsengi, Iceland. Ópr.
15/6 Northwestern University, Evanston - Jarðfræði

Steinunn [Þórhallsdóttir] Bækkeskov (1948)
Isolering og karakterisering af udvalgte overfladeantigener pa insulinproducerende a-celler fra menneske, rotte og mus. Ópr.
/ Københavns Universitet, København - Lífefnafræði

Þóra Ellen Þórhallsdóttir (1954)
The dynamics of a grassland community with special reference to five grasses and white clover. Ópr.
12/3 University College of North Wales, Bangor - Grasafræði


Elín Gunnlaugsdóttir (1947)
Composition and dynamical status of heathland communities in Iceland in relation to recovery measures. Uppsala, Svenska Växtgeografiska Sällskapet, 1985.
26/4 Kungliga universitetet i Uppsala - Grasafræði

Elísabet M. [Guðmundsdóttir] Faber (1949)
Drug treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: The use of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. Ópr.
6/12 University of the Pacific, Stockton - Lyfjafræði

Unnur Kristjánsdóttir (1942)
Factors predicting well-being among women. Ópr.
/8 University of Texas, Dallas - Félagsráðgjöf


Ástríður Pálsdóttir (1948)
The molecular genetics of the human complement component C4. Ópr.
12/12 University of Oxford, Oxford - Líffræði

Ólöf Einarsdóttir (1956)
Factors affecting the structure and dioxygen reactions of bovine heart cytochrome C oxidase. Ópr.
25/4 Colorado State University, Fort Collins - Efnafræði

Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir (1951)
Some aspects of quantum field theory and statistical physics. Gothenburg Institute of Theoretical Physics, 1986.
31/10 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg - Eðlisfræði

Sigríður Jónsdóttir (1954)
Corrinoide mit neuartigen Di-Akzeptor-Liganden. Hamburg, höf., 1986.
29/9 Universität Hamburg, Hamburg - Lífefnafræði