Oct 21, 2024

The Day Iceland Stood Still - screening 24 October

We can‘t wait to watch with you the documentary „The Day Iceland Stood Still“ about the Women‘s Day Off in 1975. The documentary was made by Pamela Hogan and Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir. It will premiere in Iceland on 24 October 2024, 49 years after the original event.

It has been a pleasure watching the documentary come to life and assist in the way we could. Below are images of a visit from the filmmakers to Kvennasogusafn in 2017.

Before the showing 34 organizations of feminists, women, workers, disabled people and queer people will host an event at Bíó Paradís at 6:30 p.m., where the executive committee of Women's Year 2025 will present their joint demands towards the government, exactly one year after the Women's Strike and the biggest rally in Iceland's history.

After the screening we plan to strengthen our bonds over light refreshments and a sing-along Áfram Stelpur!

You can secure a ticket here: https://bioparadis.is/mynd/438_the-day-iceland-stood-still/

The film is mostly in English with Icelandic subtitles and will be shown like that for the premiere event. The facilities, Bíó Paradís are accessible for all. See you at the cinema.


Aðstandendur viðburðarins // Organisers of the event:
Aflið // Aflið - Counseling for victims of violence and their relatives
Alþýðusamband Íslands // ASÍ - The Icelandic Confederation of Labour
Bandalag kvenna í Reykjavík // The Federation of Women’s Societies in Reykjavik (FWSR)
BHM - Bandalag háskólamanna // BHM - Association of Academics
BSRB // BSRB - Confederation of State and Municipal Employees of Iceland
Druslugangan // Slutwalk
FKA - Félag kvenna í atvinnulífinu // FKA - The Association of Business Women in Iceland
Femínísk fjármál // Feminist Budgeting
Félag Íslenskra Hjúkrunarfræðinga // The Icelandic Nurses' Association
Hagsmunasamtök brotaþola // Interest group for victims of sexual violence
Hagsmunasamtök knattspyrnukvenna // Interest group of Women in Soccer
Icefemin - Icelandic Feminist Initiative
Kennarasamband Íslands // Icelandic Teachers´Union
Konur í Orkumálum // Women in Energy – Iceland
Kvenfélagasamband Íslands // The Women's association
Kvennasögusafn Íslands // The Women’s History Archives
Kvenréttindafélag Íslands // TheIcelandic Women's Rights Association
Kynjafræði við Stjórnmálafræðideild Háskóla Íslands // Gender studies at the department of Social science in the University of Iceland
Læti! tónlist / Stelpur rokka! // Girls Rock! Iceland
ÖBÍ réttindasamtök // The Icelandic Disability Alliance
Öfgar // A non-profit organization that fights against gender-based violence
Q - félag hinsegin stúdenta // Q - Queer Student Association
Rótin félagasamtök // The Root
Samtök starfsmanna fjármálafyrirtækja -SSF // The Confederation of Icelandic Bank and Finance Employees
Samtök um Kvennaathvarf // The Women's Shelter
Samtökin ´78 // The National Queer Organisation of Iceland
Soroptimistasamband Íslands // Soroptimist Iceland
Stígamót // A center for survivors of sexual violence
UN Women á Íslandi // UN Women Iceland
Ungar athafnakonur (UAK) // UAK (Young Professional Women in Iceland)
W.O.M.E.N. in Iceland // Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna á Íslandi
WIFT - Félag kvenna í kvikmyndum og sjónvarpi á Íslandi // WIFT -The Association for women in film and television in Iceland.
WomenTechIceland // Konur í tækni á Íslandi
Trans Ísland // Trans Iceland
