Donate documents

The objective of The Women's History Archives is to collect, preserve and file documents about the history of women as well as communicating that history and encourage research. It is the only institution of its kind in Iceland. The Women's History Archives is a special entity within the National and University Library of Iceland. 

The Women's History Archives preserves the documents of individuals of any age, class or origin, as well as the documents of women's associations. 

Among the material the Women's History Archives preserves are letters, diaries, meeting-reports, speeches, unpublished manuscripts, handwritten recipe books, home accounts, notes, school grades and photographs, as well as other documents. The Women's History Archives accepts private archives of all sizes, even if they consist of just a single letter or payslip, to give an example. Private archives can be kept closed for up to 80 years from their creation, at the request of the donor. 

The Women's History Archives does not preserve books or magazines, except under special circumstances.

Please contact us if you have material that you wish to donate to The Women's History Archives. Our telephone number is +354 525 5779 and the email address is

Sample of private collections from private associations and groups kept at the Women's History Archives:

  • Hvítabandið: a women‘s association founded in 1895 and aimed to promote equality and humanitarian affairs. It is still active today.
  • Kvenréttindafélag Íslands: the Icelandic Women‘s Rights Association, founded in 1907 and worked for political equality between men and women, as well as demanding equal access to education, political appointments and the workplace. It is still active today.
  • Kvenfélagasamband Íslands: a women’s association with 154 member groups founded, in 1930. It is still active today.
  • Mæðrafélagið: an association for mothers rights, founded in 1936 and active until 1983.
  • Menningar- og friðarsamtök íslenskra kvenna: a peace organization founded in 1951 and is a part of the Women's International Democratic Federation. It is still active today.
  • Rauðsokkahreyfingin: the Red Stockings Group was a radical woman’s liberation movement founded in 1970 and active until 1982.
  • Kvennafrídagsnefndin: the Women’s Day Off Committee, founded in 1975. Their collection was one of the first donated to the Women’s History Archives.
  • Kvennalistinn: the Women’s List, a political party founded in Iceland in 1983 and active until 1999. It is the largest collection at the Archives. Many of its members have donated their private collection to the Archives as well.